Fauchon Cafe
Name: Fauchun Cafe
Location: Etihad Tower, Abu Dhabi
Tel: 02 667 2690
Cuisine: French
Price: Dhs 200-350
Website: http://www.fauchon.com/en/?___from_store=fr
OMG, I am crazy about the fluffy FAT spongy omelet they offer, I
never went so crazy about an omelet like I did with this, I TOTALLY love it..
The place is cool with nice classy decor, I looooooooooove the
Menu as well, Look how cute and funky it is :D
The breakfast range is amazing and not very expensive for such
fancy place "Emirates Tower", I thought it would be waaaaaaaaay more
expensive..Well, only breakfast range is reasonable, but lunch, dinner and desserts ! are hell expensive :p
Here is the star of the place "at least my star" :p Cheese
Omelet @38
Hash Brown, unfortunately it doesn't come with my lovely omelet, I
have to order it separately for AED 10 worth every penny
And here are many many other yummies, but a bit expensive for such "MINI" meals, these mini sandwiches are "CLUB SANDWICH" "Chicken Burger" we thought they are normal satisfying we were shocked when we saw the size :p
BUT 2 things that I hated about Fauchun Café.. the STUPID girls!!
The showoff fake classy girls, they r always at that café, just to tell people
"oh, look at me, I am so fake and classy"
The 2nd thing that I totally hated about the place is
the chocolate :p
Yes the chocolate :D
I was shocked when I bought
some chocolates!!
Damn these people should have price tags on the chocolates!! They
don't!! I hate it, they SHOCK you literally on the counter..
Ok, here we go about what happened to me, after breakfast, I
though why not buy some chocolates to enjoy on my way back!!! I went there and
saw these tiny cute 4 pieces wrapped chocolates, I took 2 packs!! How much
would that cost, it won't be that expensive!!
I was shocked when the lady told me AED 157, which is around
$$53!! WHICH is quiet EXPENSIVE!!
I was shocked, my face went :O but I controlled my face eventually
:p LOL
and I said "Ok", never mind and bough it, anyways,
enough about that damn chocolate :p
Fauchun Cafe is good, classy, and offers amazing
breakfast.. it is a must try :D
Will I go there again!! DAMN YES I will as much as I can to have
that breakfast omelet and the amazing desserts..
Love ya all, Hope you allare having a great weekend